Why does popcorn pop? Popcorn kernels contain starch and a small amount of water. When cooked, the water inside expands as it evaporates into steam, and turns the starch into a gooey paste. The hard shell manages to contain it until the pressure gets too high and it ruptures with a pop, which is typically at a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius (356 degrees Fahrenheit). The drop in pressure and escaping steam causes the starch to expand and solidify as it cools, forming puffy white flakes. Why do avocados go brown quickly? When an avocado is cut open and its flesh is exposed to oxygen, the enzyme polyphenol oxidase converts chemical compounds called phenols into quinones. These quinones produce polymers called polyphenols, which turn the flesh a brown color. Of course, most fruits turn brown eventually, but the process occurs more quickly in avocados because they contain more polyphenol oxidase. To slow this down, wrap i...
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